Scales Measurement

4 Types of Scales Measurement

Scales of Measurement - Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, & Ratio Scale Data -  YouTube

Nominal Scale

It is possible to categorize Nominal Scale (also known as category variables). They can’t be added, subtracted, divided, or multiplied because they don’t have a numeric value. They don’t have any sort of order, either; if they do, you’re working with ordinal variables.

Ordinal Scale

Items that may be organized in a definite order are included in the ordinal scale. If you can rate something on a first, second, third, and so on scale, you have data on an ordinal scale.

Interval Scale

The numbers on the Interval Scale are organized and have meaningful divisions. It’s a scale that measures quantity and contains equal units, with zero representing an extra measurement point.

Interval Scale | Scales of Measurement | Quickest & Easiest Explanation in  Hindi - YouTube

Ratio Scale

The ratio scale of measuring is similar to the interval scale, in that it depicts quantities and has corresponding units. On this scale, there is a value of zero (no numbers exist below zero).

Ratio Scale

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